May 28, 2005
Oh My God What Is That SMELL?

Well, everyone was in bed last night, and Kaiden kept coughing - and coughing, and coughing. When I went to go check on her, she was sitting in the corner of her bed against the wall crying into her pillow. At the same time I saw her crying - the smell hit me. I asked her what was going on and what was that god-awful smell?

She pulls back the covers and lifts up her pillow (all of which are being used to hide the source of the smell) and low and behold, she had thrown up everywhere. Now she had spaghettios for dinner with an M&M desert chaser - so you can imagine the burgandy/brown sludge I was now going to have to clean.

So, I have her crying asking if I am mad that she messed up the sheets, I have the washer filling up with hot water and bleach and I am in a t-shirt and my underwear hunched over the bathtub with her quilt trying to rinse it off, all the while dry-heaving and throwing up myself because of the smell.

So what do I get to do today?

Where is my husband? In our bedroom yelling down the hall - Are you okay? Need any help? - Knowing damn well, he is not going to come near the throw up!

posted by Misty @ 01:20 PM on 05.28.05

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