A year ago, a dear online friend of mine posted an entry to her blog about becoming a slackass blogger and how she was going to vow to be better. She said she was going to post to her blog every single day for 365 days and with that post, several of her close online friends agreed to painstakingly follow suit so she would not have to do it alone. So on April 26, 2007, Smizzo and Friglet started their 365 journey. I was finally talked into it on April 30, 2007 and Monica agreed that day too. And there it was… we had to come up with something to say every single day for 365 days in a row.
Smizzo and Friglet lasted maybe a week and a half. Seriously, that is not a joke… if I did not totally love them, they would suck as best blogging buddies. Monica and I on the other hand stuck it out. We had made a commitment, and we were sticking to it, come hell or high water! Monica, I would like to take a second here and say that I would TOTALLY partner up with you for Amazing Race or something. Smizzo, Friglet? Not so much… but I love them and am totally looking forward to the next Vegas trip with them - or wherever we go.
So here is it, May 1, 2008 - yesterday was my very last day of blogging every single day… and what do I do? Do I take a well-deserved break? NO, I post again. I do not plan on slacking with my posting, because it has now become habit, but it sure will be nice on those nights that it gets late, and I have nothing spectacular to talk about, to be able to say F*CK IT and just go to bed, instead of throwing up some lame ass post about nothing. So there you have it. I set a goal (even though it was a dumb one), and followed it through to the end - it is a little bit satisfying!
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