I have seen this around and liked it, so I am stealing it and am going to fill it out too:

01.) If I were a fruit I’d be granny smith apples
02.) If I were a color I’d be yellow
03.) If I were an animal I’d be a dolphin or a sea turtle
04.) If I were a domestic appliance I’d be a toaster
05.) If I were a clothing item I’d be some flip flops
06.) If I were an object I’d be a beach chair
07.) If I were a car I’d be a Range Rover
08.) If I were a tree I’d be a wise old oak
09.) If I were a drink I’d be coconut rum
10.) If I were an ice cream flavor I’d be mint chocolate chip
11.) If I were a person I’d be me… I am loads of fun.
12.) If I were a form of public transport I’d be a trolley
13.) If I were a song I’d be Angel by Dave Matthews Band
14.) If I were a movie I’d be Anchorman
15.) If I were a season I’d be summer
16.) If I were a flower I’d be a sunflower
17.) If I were a job I’d be something in forensics
18.) If I were a cartoon I’d be Family Guy
19.) If I were a gift I’d be something thoughtful and surprising
20.) If I were a memory I’d be 1999 thru 2001
21.) If I were a city I’d be anywhere with a beach
22.) If I were a sense I’d be touch
23.) If I were a candy I’d be dark chocolate
24.) If I were a time of the day I’d be 10am thru 5pm on any summer day
25.) If I were an invention I’d be a raft anchor for the pool
26.) If I were a body-part I’d be boobs
27.) If I were a country I’d be the US
28.) If I were a flavor I’d be something tropical
29.) If I were a sport I’d be running
30.) If I were a smell I’d be clean
31.) If I were a subject I’d be Photography
32.) If I were a building I’d be a really old building with some history
33.) If I were a month I’d be February
34.) If I were a perfume I’d be CK1
35.) If I were a shape I’d be a star
36.) If I were a word I’d be love
37.) If I were a number I’d be 8
38.) If I were a main course I’d be filet mignon
39.) If I were a holiday I’d be Christmas
40.) If I were a band I’d be TOOL