When Kaiden and I were discussing birthday stuff a few weeks ago, she asked me if I was going to make her a special cake like I made for Ashton on his last birthday. Honestly, I really was not planning on it - I was just going to buy something, but because she mentioned it… now I had to. So I started searching the internet for interesting birthday cake ideas and found a recipe for a made from scratch, six layer, rainbow cake with made from scratch Swiss Meringue Buttercream Frosting. The recipe is here.

What a pain in the butt this thing was to make, but it was worth it for Kaiden. Plus she wanted to help with it, which we had fun doing together. I decided to make the layers ahead of time and freeze them, so that on the day of the family/friends get together all I had to worry about was making all the frosting and assembling the thing. You have to make an insane amount of cake batter, portion it evenly into six bowls, color it with food coloring GEL - not the liquid, because that does not give you vibrant colors. Then you have to bake each layer about 15 minutes (which takes a while when you only have two round pans) and is why I decided to bake ahead of time! And YES, I made sure to assemble it in the correct rainbow order - Roy G. Biv bitches (minus the “i”).

The cake and the frosting were good - not too sweet. The colors turned our AMAZING. The gel was definitely worth the trip to Michael’s to get. It was Wilton brand frosting gels, FYI. Kaiden ended up loving her cake and I am happy about that, but I am afraid I now have a trend going of making homemade birthday cakes, so now what the heck am I going to do for Ashton in March? Buying a cake from the store is so much easier.
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