1. Name: Misty
  2. Birth date: February 27
  3. Birthplace: Pensacola, FL
  4. Current Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
  5. Eye Color: Blue
  6. Hair Color: Blonde
  7. Height: 5’3”
  8. Righty or Lefty: Righty
  9. Zodiac Sign: Pisces


  1. Your heritage: English & Scots-Irish
  2. The shoes you wore today: Duh…Flip Flops
  3. Your weakness: SWEETS!
  4. Your fears: Being Alone
  5. Your perfect pizza: Just cheese, please…
  6. Goal you’d like to achieve: Lose ALL of the baby weight (as she tosses a Mike & Ike in her mouth)


  1. Your most overused phrase on MSN or Chat? “So,” “Well,” “WTF”
  2. Your first waking thoughts: Can I pee and shower without waking up the beast?
  3. Your best physical feature: My Hair
  4. Your most missed memory: I have quite a few memories, with quite a few people…you know who you are!


  1. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi - its crack, I tell ya!
  2. McDonald’s or Burger King: Subway
  3. Single or group dates: Any date without kids is good for me!
  4. Adidas or Nike: Addidas - grew up in a soccer household.
  5. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
  6. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
  7. Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee with Splenda and Cream


  1. Smoke: Not any more, quit in 1999
  2. Cuss: Constantly
  3. Sing: In the car, alone, when no-one is next to me!
  4. Take a shower everyday: Oh yeah!
  5. Do you think you’ve been in love: I hope so, unless its all been a dream?
  6. Want to go to college: Did and occasionally go back to take classes
  7. Liked high school: When I was there
  8. Want to get married: Did, In April of 2001, I was 25
  9. Believe in yourself: Somebody has to do it
  10. Get motion sickness: No
  11. Think you’re attractive: Everyone’s attractive after a couple drinks
  12. Think you’re a health freak: To a degree.
  13. Get along with your parent(s): Of Course, they are my parents.
  14. Like thunderstorms: Yes, when I do not have to cart kids around in them
  15. Play an instrument: The Grass Whistle

In the past month…

  1. Drank alcohol: Yes, We own stock in Parrot Bay
  2. Smoked: NO
  3. Done a drug: Only the Prescription ones
  4. Made Out: HAHAHA, Hello, Married w/ 2 small kids…
  5. Gone on a date: We have Friday Night Date Nights thanks to Gammy & Pop-Pop
  6. Gone to the mall: Yes, I work next to one
  7. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No, not oreos…
  8. Eaten sushi: Bleh!
  9. Been on stage: Yes, for Kaiden’s Dance Recital
  10. Been dumped: Well, Ashton’s diaper did leak on me…what? you didn’t mean that kind of dump?
  11. Gone skating: I am captain of the Virginia Beach Roller Derbettes :o)
  12. Made homemade cookies: Usually don’t get that far before I polish off the dough
  13. Gone skinny dipping:  Does showering count?
  14. Dyed your hair: No
  15. Stolen Anything: Sometimes I steal the annoying toys from my kids when they are not looking and make them “disappear”


  1. Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
  2. If so, was it mixed company: *clears throat* Yep!
  3. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Lets just say I have had to drink charcoal - and not for fun!
  4. Been caught “doing something”: Too many times…and still got away with so much…
  5. Been called a tease: Yep!
  6. Gotten beaten up: No, but have been in a couple fights
  7. Shoplifted: Yes…lets just leave it at that!


  1. Age you hope to be married: I was 25
  2. Ages and Names of Children: Kaiden, 3 and Ashton 16 months
  3. Describe your Dream Wedding: Would I do it again? *tap, tap, tap*
  4. How do you want to die: First!  I don’t wanna have to change his diapers!
  5. Where you want to go to college: Ahh, if only I was that young again…
  6. What do you want to be when you grow up: Wife to a rich man that travels a lot!
  7. What country would you most like to visit: Fiji


  1. Number of drugs taken illegally: How many illegal drugs are there?
  2. Number of people I could trust with my life: A small handful
  3. Number of CDs that I own: I would never count, cause then I would know how much $$ was spent
  4. Number of piercings: 8
  5. Number of tattoos: 2
  6. Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 3 - Once for each birth and one other time for this one thing…
  7. Number of scars on my body: ?
  8. Number of things in my past that I regret: Nothing!