Six Random Facts About Me
Courtesy of my dear friend Renee!

01. I wear flip flops all year long (black reef flip flops). I wear them at home and at work. I own “flip-flop socks” for the winter time. I keep a pair of socks and boots in my car in case I have to go to a jobsite. I have bartered with my boss so that I can wear them to work. My daughter is starting to act the same damn way!

02. If it did not pose a health risk, I could seriously live off of Skittles and Pepsi. In fact, if someone invented Skittles flavored Pepsi - I would probably combust from my excitement. Combust a sticky rainbow of fruit flavors, that is!

03. If I get poison ivy, I get it so bad that I usually require heavy doses of steroids and hospitalization. Somehow, I usually always end up getting it on my face and looking like Freddy Krueger (which my sister and brother love and my mother will not be seen in public with). I am so sensitive to it, that I can contract it if someone is burning leaves and burn some poison ivy and I happen to walk through the smoke.

04. I think I have said this before, but during meals, I eat only one thing at a time until it is finished. For example, I would eat all my mashed potatoes, then all of my broccoli, then all my meat. I never mix it up. I have always eaten like this.

05. Maybe I’ve told you this one too. I cannot drink out of glasses, only plastic cups. For some reason a glass makes my drink taste funny to me and if there are more than three ice cubes, I need a straw. I cannot stand sipping out of a drink and have to fight with the damn ice to get the drink in my mouth!

06. As loud mouthed and open as I am, I cannot crap while my husband is around (or anyone for that matter). When we were first dating, I would make up excuses to go to the store or home if I had to go. Now, I wait till he leaves the house. If I cannot wait, I definitely sneak upstairs quietly and hope he does not notice. If he does notice, he does not let me live it down. He thinks it is hilarious that I am so embarrassed by it and will stand outside the door the whole time I am in there shouting “What are you doing? Hmmm, what? Are you poopin in there? Are you crappin? Huh, what are you doing?” He will probably do this till the day I die (which will look real cute at the nursing home).

I tag anyone who feels like sharing some stuff - leave me a comment and let me know you did it!