Ten on Tuesday

I had this all ready to post yesterday, you know… on Tuesday, since I have not done one of these in a long time and forgot to post it.  So I am posting it today, on Wednesday… a day late!  Oh well, here is goes - 10 Simple Things that Make Me Happy:

01. My Kids
Nothing makes me happier then when my kids are having fun (when they are behaving and getting along that is)!

02. Hugs
Great big bear hugs.

03. Pedicures
I love them and treat myself to one every month.  I get my fingernails done every two weeks and my piggy toes every four.

04. The Beach
Everything about it makes me smile.  The sand, the smell of the salt in the air, the sound of the waves - EVERYTHING.

05. My Friends
I love my friends and I love spending time with them.  I am very lucky that I have been blessed with so many great friends.

06. Feeling Loved
It takes five seconds to make someone feel that they are loved, thought about, cared for, etc.  With a quick phone call, a small surprise, a text message, an email, a note.  When someone takes the time to show me I am loved, it makes me happy.

07. Good Coffee
It wakes you up, gets your day going and is delicious!

08. Cocktails w/ Coconut Rum
I love them - they make me giddy!

09. Drives to Nowhere
Getting in the car with no plans and just seeing where the road takes you for the day.

10. Someone Playing With My Hair
It is the most relaxing thing ever.  Seriously.

What are some simple things that make you happy?  Post them on your site and leave me a link or leave a few in the comments here!

You can view all the Ten on Tuesday posts here.