Ashton has a test today on Greece and Rome, which we have been studying for all week. His teacher sent home a study guide for the kids to use. On one side of the guide is all the terms they need to know, and on the other side are the definitions/descriptions. They were organized in a grid, so that they could be cut out and used as flash cards. One of the squares was blank... so Ashton wrote in the number "300."
So while we were studying, I asked him, "Hey bud, why did you write in the number 300 on this? Were you supposed to write that in? Is it on the test? What is the significance of the number 300" And he responded with a shit-eating grin on his face... "Flip over the page mom and you will see the definition."
After flipping over the study guide, I could see that he had drawn a nice little stick figure drawing of a man kicking another man into a hole, yelling "THIS IS SPARTA" with a crowd of people behind him. I did not even say a word... I just looked up and looked him in the eyes... he started laughing and said "WHAT? The test is on Greece... that's Greek! Jeez mom, you should know that!!!"
He is most likely not getting an A+ on the test... but damn if he is not getting an A+ in LIFE! SPARTA!
Comment • • FILED IN this is sparta, test, study guide, sparta, greece, ashton says, ashton, 300, 2012