I am sick.  I have been sick since last Sunday.  I woke up with a sore throat and a stuffy head.  By Monday morning, my head felt like it weighed a thousand pounds and kept flip-flopping between not being able to breathe at all to snot pouring from my nose by the bucketful.  My poor nose is so red and is peeling from blowing it so much.  My lips are chapped and yesterday morning it moved from my head, down into my chest, making me feel like a thousand pound man was sitting on it.  I have been living off Dayquil, Nyquil and Mucinex all week.  I really want it gone.  We were doing SO WELL this season with not catching anything that was going around.

This morning, Ashton woke up sounding nasally as hell, sniffing and coughing.  Perfect timing for the kids to get sick!  This sucks.