My trip to Las Vegas has come and gone, just like that. It went by way too fast and was a lot of fun. We left on Sunday and Shelly and I met Dena and Adam at the airport early for cocktails before our flight.

Shelly was Miss Unlucky for the flight to Vegas. Before even boarding the plane, she was pulled to be frisked and damn near strip searched, while Dena, Adam and I waited, pointing at her and laughing. When that was done and we boarded the plane, she wanted to sit near a window, so she sat in the row behind us. All was looking good, until a 500 pound woman that should have gotten two seats crammed herself into the seat next to Shelly, forcing Shelly to basically join the mile high club with a woman, against her will. Needless to say, her face did not look as happy as in that picture by the end of the flight.

We got into Las Vegas and checked into our hotel. We stayed at the New York New York Hotel & Casino - which was awesome! I loved our hotel. It had a great crowd of people, a great casino, a roller coaster that wrapped around the building and went through the hotel, complete with loops and barrel rolls, loads of bars, restaurants and other amenities!

Instead of taking a nap when we got into town to help deal with the three hour time difference, we went and ate, then started drinking! You can take your drinks wherever you go there, so we went walking and site seeing. We walked down the strip to watch the fountains at the Bellagio (which are like my favorite thing there - the are seriously breath-taking) and then headed down to Caesar’s Palace to pick up Atomic Bombshell and her man. They walked back with us to the MGM, where we met up with Friglet late, after she was done hanging out with her step-mom to do some more drinking and then went to bed at about 2ish.
On Monday, we did a little walking, then met up with all the girls at the Martini Bar in MGM - but we were all seriously assholes and did not take any photos. That was nice, we sat for a while and chatted. Then we all split up and did our own thing for a while.

Shelly, Dena, Adam and I jumped in a cab and headed downtown to Fremont Street to party like rockstars. They had a huge St. Patrick’s Day street festival going on and we got pretty drunk. We had a blast. It is usually at this point in a night of drinking that I begin making Dena pose with strangers on the street so that I can take pictures of her, acting like she belongs with them.

I wish I had not been so drunk and was also not laughing so hard, because all those photos turned out blurry - but damn was that funny. I was laughing so hard I had to lean up against a wall and take a break at one point. We hit all of the casinos downtown and then headed to The Griffin for some more cocktails - Dena had read about this place online and said we had to go there. Lots more pictures were taken that night - Adam was NOT happy about this.

Tuesday was walking ALL.DAY.LONG! It was our goal to visit every damn casino on the strip. And I am pretty sure we did it! Man was it a lot of walking - but totally worth it to see everything. We met up with the Bombshell and her man again for dinner, which was really nice. Then it was time for more drinking. We visited a few more casinos, then I got together with the girls for some nickel slots and cocktails. Monica, Smizzo, Friglet and I looked hilarious at our slot machines with our little gnomes for good luck. I stayed out way too late with them, and Gregory, the casino worker had to walk me home to my hotel, so I did not get raped - but TOTALLY worth it!

There were a few things that I was really good at in Vegas - these included drinking, laughing, walking, sight-seeing and roller coaster riding. Gambling was NOT something I was good at. Not at all. I came back with several $0.01 vouchers and three $1 bills - that’s all I had left. I am pretty sure you will not see me any time soon on one of those poker shows on TV.
The trip ended way too fast. I wish I could have spent more time with my blogging buddies. I am ready to start planning next year’s trip. I am still trying to get over the lack of sleep and time difference - hopefully that will be done with this weekend. I uploaded all my photos to Flickr. You can see them here.
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