Is it just me, or does everyone lose more hair during certain parts of the year.  There are times when I don’t ever notice losing a single hair and other times when it looks like a damn, small, furry animal crawled onto my hairbrush and died.  Lately, I have had to clean out my brush every other day.  If I run my fingers through my hair, I will have like 15-30 pieces of hair in my hand each time.  Now granted, I have VERY long hair - but damn this is a little much!

I tried looking it up online and this is all I could find:

The shed cycle in humans has not been investigated in much detail, but a few studies from the UK demonstrate the seasonal shed cycles. Although there is an increase in shedding during spring and fall, the number of hairs shed still falls within the generally recognized limits of 50 to 100 hairs a day. So in spring and fall the daily shed rate may be closer to 100 hairs a day and in summer and late winter the typical shed rate may be closer to 50 hairs a day. However, the average rate of shedding does vary from person to person. Some people can be high shedders, but also have high rates of hair growth and replacement so they have no net hair loss. To understand your own seasonal hair shedding it is better to compare the hair shed rate in spring/fall to summer/winter within yourself rather than compare it to other people.

I guess I am just a “high shedder.”  My poor poor vacuum cleaner!