A collection of thoughts and other stuff not worthy of a full post.
I have been fighting with this guy on Ebay for over a month now and I am really starting to get pissed. I ordered something for Kaiden for Christmas back in November and he never sent it, so after numerous emails, phone calls, threats and paypal disputes he finally sent it - and it was freakin broken in pieces! BASTARD! I’ll be heading back onto Ebay to purchase a VooDoo doll now.
Ashton learned how to spit this week - we are so PROUD! He now thinks it is acceptable to spit in your face whenever you pick him up and when you tell him NO NO - he laughes right in your face, a hearty laugh, as if to say “You are such a loser mom.” Again, I am the PRIME example of being punished for your youthful ways!
I finally shaved out all of the dread locks on my rastafarian cat. I am pretty sure that it got so bad because of the two times she got out of the house. She must have gone into the woods/saltmarsh behind my house and rolled in some sap or something, which caused all her fur to matte up.
I got some pretty bad health news this week, but it is fixable, so I am not letting it get me down or interrupt my fitness quest!!!
I also got some wonderful news this week, which will make for ONE HELL OF A BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR (and it’s my 30th too)! My whole spirit has been lifted and I have felt like I have been on cloud nine for a couple days now!
I am really wishing that all of our tax stuff would hurry up and come in, so I can get that done and out of the way! Hopefully we will get some money back this year.
All my working out and dieting is FINALLY starting to pay off. I am starting to see changes in the mirror, and Ashton is pointing and yelling “Boobie” more - so they must be looking perkier too! They’ll be really perky when I reach my fitness goals and reward myself with that boob job!
I need to finish this damn post and hurry up and call the nail salon and schedule my pedicure appointment today! So I bid you adue!
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