A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Non-static method Magpie::usage() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context

Filename: plugins/pi.magpie.php

Line Number: 28

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Non-static method Tagstripper::usage() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context

Filename: tagstripper/pi.tagstripper.php

Line Number: 49

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Severity: Warning

Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mscanlon/thescanlons.net/weblog/system/codeigniter/system/core/Exceptions.php:170)

Filename: core/Common.php

Line Number: 408



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Saturday’s Sundries-04/21/07

  • It has been quite some time since I have done one of my bulleted Saturday morning posts, so I will grace you with one this morning.  By the excitement on your faces, I can tell that you have really been missing them!!!
  • Kaiden, for some reason, in the last couple weeks has decided that instead of calling her business “tootie” like she has forever, she now prefers the word “twat” - which I HATE!!!  I have no clue where she picked this word up, cause neither her father nor I use that word - Ugghh!  Do you know what it sounds like hearing a 5 year old say the word “twat” - it’s worse than the nails down the chalkboard thing.
  • I am very excited about going up to Washington D.C. next week to finally meet up with Chatty.  We are going to hit up the National Zoo and do some other fun stuff that is not yet decided on.
  • I am really enjoying my new blog template!  I LIKE.IT.A.LOT!
  • My all time favorite band TOOL is on tour right now.  The closest they are coming to Virginia Beach is Richmond, VA, which is about and hour and a half away.  Todd told me to go ahead and get us tickets - and I am so excited.  It will be a fun fun night!  The last time I saw them, was a couple nights before I gave birth to Kaiden.
  • Kaiden’s Dance Recital is coming up in May, along with recital pictures and the recital DVD and tickets to the recital at the Harrison Opera House.  I can feel my wallet crying the tears of being broke already!!!
  • Ashton has not said a cuss word in a while (yay), but has replaced them with the following favorites “Aww Fishpaste” “Cannonball” “Goodbye Cruel World” “It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time” “You Barnaclehead” - the list of endearing words goes on and on.  You gotta love boys!
  • Also, my kids are obsessed with the Boomerang channel from Cartoon Network, which plays all the old school cartoons.  They have really been enjoying the Smurfs and Ashton’s new favorite thing to do is walk around acting like Grouchy Smurf - whenever Kaiden says anything, like for example, “Mommy, this new cereal you bought tastes good” - Ashton chimes in out of nowhere - “I HATE cereal” just like Grouchy smurf - it cracks me up.
  • I am off now to take Kaiden to Dance Class - enjoy your Saturday.


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Whiz Wheel

When I was younger, we had a Whiz Wheel, also known as the Krazy Kar - we had gotten it for Christmas one year. It was orange with huge black wheels and we LOVED this thing. It was way better than a big wheel or a stupid bike and you had to seriously have some skills to operate the thing (not to mention some major arm strength), mostly because the brainiacs that designed the thing failed to include any type of rubber on the tires, so when you got it out on the street, it would always skid out, cause there was nothing to grip the asphalt. There was a true method to get going on this thing. You had to start out slow, so the tires would not skid, and slowly build up momentum so that you could really get trucking down the street. Once you got up to maximum speed, you could lock one of your arms, causing one of the wheels to lock up and it would totally spin you out, which was nothing short of AWESOME! My sister, brother and I fought constantly over who’s turn it was to ride it. I don’t remember what happened to our Whiz Wheel.

A couple years ago, my sister and I started reminiscing about it and could not for the life of us remember what is was called and I have been searching ever since - until now! I finally found it and low and behold, you can still get them here or here, although from what I can see, they certainly have not fixed the whole rubber on the tire issue.  I am SO ordering one for my kids!!!


Filing Blows!

Filing Blows!

My stack of filing.  I hate filing more than anything else and I let it stack higher and higher, until I finally have to take it to the conference room and sort through it.

Comment • • FILED IN work, pet peeves, filing

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