A few things that my sweet, loving son Ashton has said to me over the last couple weeks:
“MOM! Could you move out of my face? You’re making my eyes throw up!”
“MOM! Could you please just stop it? You are making my brain so sick!”
“I cannot take this anymore, I am just so sick and tired, now could you please just put my Power Rangers movie on and let me have some peace time!”
“Come here mommy and let the Ashton make it all better for you! There there, all better for you now? Okay, then now can I have some more fruit snacks?”
“Mommy, I keep closing my eyes but I cannot get my dreams to turn on, I think they are broken.”
“Mommy, my sister Kaiden was just being a smart mouth to me and so I just had to punch her one time. I am ever so sorry Mommy.”
I wish I had a recorder handy every time he says something, because if you could hear his little voice when he says some of these things you would just die! I swear this boy is going to be the death of me, and I don’t think I would want it any other way!!!
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