The kids have a grown-up, twenty-something buddy named Corey that always comes to the pool and is really great about throwing them around and playing with them. In return, we feed him and nurse his hangovers, etc for being so good to our kids. Last week as we were leaving the pool, Corey walked out with all of us and Ashton wanted Corey to come over…
Hey Corey, want to come over to my house and play?
Oh not tonight buddy, it’s a work night and it is already 8:00!
Well my mom has a really big bed!
WTF?!? Corey of course busts out laughing, as I look over at Dena, completely mortified, wondering why the hell my son would have said something like that. Like I have taught him to say things like that to help me pick up men. My freaking 5 year old son was pimping me out. Probably one of the most embarrassing moments to date that I owe 100% to one of my kids.
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