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Memory Lane: 9th Grade Dance

This photo was taken back in 9th grade - before our very first “formal” dance. I went to the dance with one of my very best guy friends - Josh Barclay - one of the funniest people I have ever known. I spent a lot of my time at his house growing up. We all went in a limo to Il Giardino’s for dinner, then on to the dance. We had a fun night and laughed our asses off all through dinner. I remember thinking that I looked hot as shit in my dress - yes seriously… that is UNTIL I arrived at the dance and saw that Nadine was wearing the EXACT same dress. As you can see here:

Nadine will kill me for posting that picture of her - but that is what she gets for stealing my 9th Grade Dance thunder!!! What were the odds that one of my best friends would wear the same dress and we had not figured it out BEFORE the dance? I remember us talking about it too… “What does your dress look like?” - “Oh it’s black and white with some lacy stuff and a bow” - “Sweet, mine is kind of like that too!” - DUH… because it IS that dress! It looked better on her, because she always had those damn Go-Go Gadget legs… not to mention with her hair sitting at 2 feet high, she towered over me.
Here is the whole group of us:

Hot looking group, huh? In our sweet ass 1990 dresses. Here is a fun tidbit - one of the guys in this photo was the one who wrote me my first love note. We dated on and off all throughout junior high school, but I did not go to 9th Grade Dance with him… well I went with him in our group… but not WITH him. That whole group in the photo all hung out constantly… except for the girl he brought that night, she was nice, but she was not a part of our group, so I think she felt left out all night, because we were all really close.
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